Setting-up a flight plan with FSX Interface for GPS:
1. If you're on the main FSX Interface, click 'Flight Planner'. If you're in a Free Flight, tap the Alt key and then click 'Flights' > 'Flight Planner'.
2. From here, you can follow the on-screen instructions: choose your departure and arrival airports, select IFR flight type and for most commercial flights, select 'High-Altitude Airways'.
3. Then just click 'Find Route', follow it through to save it and launch the Free Flight. Then bring up the GPS by pressing Shift+3 (for most aircraft). ​
Setting-up a flight plan with the GPS:
1. Launch the GPS in Free Flight by pressing Shift+3.
2. Click the 'Display Direct-to Waypoint Page' button (located on the right side below the 'Range' buttons - half an oval with an arrow pointing to the right through it).
3. Once the new page appears, click twice on the right arrow on the smaller dial in the bottom right corner.
4. Type in the four character ICAO code of the airport (e.g. EGLL).
5. Finally, click the 'ENT' (Enter) button three times to active it.
6. The pink/purple line will now be drawn on the map for the aircraft to follow. ​
Setting-up an approach with the GPS:
1. When you're coming in to land with a flight plan to that airport already in-place, click the 'PROC' (Procedures) button.
2. Click 'ENT' (Enter) to select an approach when 'Select Approach?' is highlighted.
3. Use the small arrow dial in the bottom right to scroll through and select your approach - ILS is recommended for beginners and is most realistic. The runway number will be next to it (e.g. ILS 27L). Click 'ENT' once to select the option.
4. Use the small arrow dial to scroll through the 'TRANS' options. 'Vectors' is recommended for beginners. Click 'ENT' once to select the option. To activate the approach straight away:
5. Use the big arrow dial in the bottom right to scroll down to 'Activate?'. Click 'ENT' to select the option. To load and activate later:
6. Click 'ENT' when highlighted on 'Load?'.
7. Click the 'PROC' button twice to return to the map and continue flight.
8. Later on to activate the approach, click 'PROC' once.
9. When 'Activate Vectors-To-Final?' is highlighted, click 'ENT' once.
10. A new pink/purple line will be drawn on the map for the aircraft to follow and line-up with the runway.
Landing Blind in the Fog
Showing just how vital the GPS can be in a landing.
If using the GPS, make sure the aircraft's GPS/NAV switch is set to GPS - or it won't follow it.